Zborov Castle


The village is situated 10 km northerly of Bardejov. Scenary above the village is dominated by ruins of the Zborovský castle, which was used to serve as "a guardian" of the road to Poland. Originally a Gothic Castle was probably built on a site of former Slavonic fortress. The first mention about it is from 1250. It was the year when Belo IV. donated the castle to a nobleman Mako, and that´s why the castle and the adjacent manor area werecalled Makovica. In 1548 King Ferdinand I. donated the castle to a captain from Košice, named Juraj Šeredy. Thanks to Šeredy family the castle was rebuilt and fortified. Last owners - family Rákóczí left the castle after its destruction by the imperial army in 1684 and moved into a mansion in the village. Only the St. Zofia Church remained preserved until nowadays.

An important monument is the St. Margaret Church, originally a Gothic one, with later Renaissance and Baroque redeveopments. Main altar of St, Margaret is from 1635 and was built in the styl of the German Renaissance. Interior is decorated in Renaissance and Baroque styles. In the village there are military cemetery from the WWI., the memorial of the WWI. dedicated to 28th Prague regiment, and military cemetery from the WWII.

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